Monday, April 13, 2009


Me in my darkroom.

Yesterday was really the first day I didn't feel like I was running around with my head chopped off trying to finish this thesis. It was the first day I felt like I had nothing to do and I was so LOST.
I really do have things I can be doing. Lots of things. Like finishing my thesis paper, working on my oral presentation and doing some fine touches to prints and such.
But for some reason because my cabinets were finally hanging on the wall in place of their paper models I felt accomplished.

My messy studio with paper cabinet models.

It's like this weird limbo, where I have more time than I probably need and so I'm not super rushed. I still have work but I still have time too. Or maybe that's just how it feels right now. I feel like I should be looking for a job, but I still have so many school meetings and such that my availability sucks.
My cabinets rusting in the back yard only a few months ago.

It's a weird limbo I will never be in again. I will no longer use the excuse "student." Better use it up while I can.
Graduating from college is a strange strange time.