Monday, June 14, 2010

For FInn

June 14th, 2010



Dear Finnegan,

I am sitting in our living room right now. It is very peaceful, very quiet. Harvey, our new dog sits behind me on the rug. You helped me pick him out while Papa was at work.

Right now you are asleep in your room, in your crib wrapped up tight like a mummy; sucking away on your binks.

Papa is asleep in our room. Most likely snoring.

You are practically 7 months old! Dear Lord the time has flown by. You are getting so big and learning new things every day. Your favorite food is sweet potatoes and you hate peas. You also love graham crackers but are still learning to chew and try to swallow them whole so I do not give them to you often.

You are learning how to pet dogs. There are many in our lives. You sing little songs to yourself while I push you around the neighborhood in your stroller. You drool a lot because you are cutting teeth, which Mama hopes happens soon because it seems painful.

You are the only boy on our block so far…but that will hopefully change soon. You look like superman when you try to crawl but you still don’t get it yet. You sit on the potty and sometimes go like such a big boy and we clap and laugh and go back to our busy days.

I love the way you smell. I constantly want to hold you and nuzzle your fat neck. When you cry I love to scoop you out of your crib and fly you through the air because I know one day you will be a man and I will not be able to lift you.

Every morning I bring you into our bed so you can sleep in my arms. I wish I could do this forever.

You are amazing.

You always will be.

I love you.


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